We look at the scenery, mountains, trees and vineyards. Everything seems
static, we feel, wrong, everything is there from always immovable. But, quietly,
static, we feel, wrong, everything is there from always immovable. But, quietly,
the planet reminds us that is alive with movement of the tectonic de plates,
displacing the South American plate westward in their away trip of no return
Africa. And suddenly there appears the first shock and with this and
following the world we knew, in a few seconds it changes, houses
collapsed, trees derribados, unused infrastructure cracks
huge open up new lands in the hills and creating
new depressions behind it hundreds, perhaps thousands of people see
truncated their future, their dreams, death suddenly.
Africa. And suddenly there appears the first shock and with this and
following the world we knew, in a few seconds it changes, houses
collapsed, trees derribados, unused infrastructure cracks
huge open up new lands in the hills and creating
new depressions behind it hundreds, perhaps thousands of people see
truncated their future, their dreams, death suddenly.
This has happened in Chile, with the huge bond that unites uss
cultural, share the same language and tradition in wine
proof is that today we can find wines
Chilean anywhere in the world. It also ties us together
personal, and the colony of La Rioja and their descendantsentities that
living in Chile is the second largest in the world, second only
by those living in Argentina.
WINE GRAPE ARAR sympathizes with the tragedy of the Chilean people and their
surfers who follow this blog from Chile (rank seventh
particular place in our ranking of visits by country), the
we want that have not irreparably damaged.
To give us an idea of the magnitude of the earthquake (8.8 degrees on the Richter scale), as measured by NASA the earthquake has displaced hundreds of kilometers of rock in space greatly reduced by changing the distribution of the mass of Earth, moving the earth's axis in 8 inches affecting your rotation and affect the length of days, reducing these in 1.26microseconds.
These data remind us how insignificant we are and we all traveled together through the universe, aboard this planet.
Meteorological Data date: 28.02.10 WINE GRAPE ARAR Home
Air Temperature: MAX: 14.9 º C Min: 5.7 ° C
Relative Humidity:48%