This old vine wine grape ARAR loves freedom and hates both physical and mental walls, so last November 9, 2009 commemorates the fall of the Berlin Wall ( / strain-plow-se-sum-of-celebration-of-20.html) and I am delighted today to celebrate, interestingly also the 20th anniversary of the fall of another great wall of apartheid.
As I said, today marks 20 years since Nelson Mandela, who later became the first black president of South Africa elected by vote in 1994, was released after 27 years in prison for his fight against racism (apartheid).
Mandela, the prisoner number 466/64, became a symbol of freedom, a legendary figure who represented the lack of freedom for all black South African men, and by extension all human @ s oppressed of the world.
Mandela did not seek revenge. The leader, born 18 July 1918, had just spent 18 of his 27 years of detention in high security prison on Robben Island, a wind-swept island off Cape Town. Many people, if any, would have sought revenge and would have been involved in a reverse racism, however, chose the path of forgiveness and democracy, so in 1993 he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
If you want to know a little but a small part of this story, now you on the excellent movie theaters Invictus. And they say those of the SGAE (General Society of Spanish Authors) that Internet users are no more than criminal suspects, comes to hair Castilian apply the old adage "the thief thinks that everyone is on his condition."
Meteorological Data date: 11.02.10 WINE GRAPE ARAR Home
Air Temperature: MAX: 1.3 ° C Min: - 1.8 º C
Relative Humidity: 82%
Accumulated Precipitation: 0.0 liters / M2
Solar Radiation: 73 W/m2
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